
“We empower students to excel both academically and socially.”

“Learning is Fun”, at The Enrichment Centers (TEC)! We are a local community-based company providing effective after-school reading and math programs. In 2006, we became a provider of Supplemental Educational Services (SES) in Maryland. The following year we separated SES services from our other services in Maryland and became the Enrichment Centers NCLB Inc. (TECNCLB) and began working with at-risk youth and Tittle 1 SES schools. In 2009 we received the Baltimore City Public Schools’ “Best Instructional Practice” award for our SES programs. This was the final award ever given of its kind.

We use the Voyager Passport curriculum, a research-based program designed specifically to improve reading and math skills. This includes assessments, hands-on activities, critical thinking lessons and a motivating online component in order to provide targeted and individualized instruction. Our fun and interactive learning approach encompasses the whole child, building self-esteem. We empower students to excel both academically and socially.

Our programs are taught on-site at schools. This gives, parents and teachers immediate access to each child’s progress. TEC emphasizes close contact between students, teachers and parents, rewarding students for their achievements and participation. We provide a superior educational experience with a minimum of 42 direct tutoring hours per child, almost double the amount of hours offered by many providers.

Our multilingual staff is comprised of highly qualified and experienced teachers. Over ninety (90) percent of the SES teachers are state certified. Many have earned a masters degree in pertinent content areas and several have been working with Title 1 schools for over 20 years. All teachers are required to complete training in the Voyager Learning materials and strategies. Our expertise, experience and high standards of quality make TEC the best choice for an effective after-school program for your child.

Three Easy Steps to SES Success

  1. Find out if your school is a Title 1 School providing SES services (must receive free/reduced lunch to qualify).
  2. Obtain an application, complete it in full for each eligible child, and return it by the deadline ordered by the school
  3. Choose TEC as your first choice of service providers

*If you do not qualify or your school is not providing services, please see our After-School Programs to learn about other exciting programs available to you!

North Carolina Schools List
Virginia Schools List
Baltimore Schools List
Dorchester County School List
Prince George’s County Schools List

Application forms (PDF)